How do I / my students log in?
Depending on your school, students can register and log in with one of four methods. Below we explain each of the four methods, and how to step through them!
School log in (SSO)
Any institutions supported by SSO are accessible clicking School log in (SSO) on the main login page. This list features State, Private, and Tertiary institutions with SSO setups. Additionally, any users with supported SSO accounts will be prompted to use SSO when they type their email address during login.
If you cannot find your institution in School Log In (SSO) this means you aren't yet setup to use SSO and should use one of the other 3 options to get into Grok. If you are a teacher/staff member interested in setting up SSO please read this page for more details.
Using Google or Microsoft
You can also login to Grok using your existing Microsoft or Google account respectively. Simply click "Google" or "Microsoft" when logging in to direct you to their portal.

Email and Password
If your school is not using any of the above methods, you will have to use your email and passphrase to log in as normal. Additionally, using this method to create your account will result in an email titled "You've been enrolled at Grok!". Make sure to open this to confirm your account.