What is teacher verification?

We take the privacy of students very seriously. As such we can only give access to student data when you've been confirmed to work at the institution you are enrolled at on Grok. After you request verification, we'll contact your institution and confirm that you're a teacher there, and that you should have access to student data. You'll receive an email once your verification has been processed.

Becoming a verified teacher will allow you to register students, as well as access student data and manage accounts for all students enrolled at your institution - plus all the benefits of free teacher access.

For details on what data verified teachers can see, please see our Privacy Policy.

School Teachers

If your school has SAML integration then you will automatically be granted verification when you sign up. Otherwise, school teachers can request a verified teacher account by following these instructions

Pre-service and Casual Teachers

If you need the full verified teacher benefits, simply follow the instructions for school teachers. We'll confirm with your school that you should have access to student data.

If you just need free teacher access, see How do I get a free teacher account?

Tertiary Educators

Tertiary educators can't become verified teachers, but we provide many other benefits for universities and other higher education providers. For more details see our universities page.

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