My student can't see paid content

If one of your students is unable to access our paid courses, there are a few things you can do.

Check your school has paid access

Go to your Teacher Dashboard and find the student. Under "Access Status", it will either say how much time they have left on their access, or if they do not have any, it will say 'Free courses only'.

If they don't have paid access, you will need to contact us for a quote before they'll be able to access all content.

Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand student access

Your students should receive full access to Grok Academy when they login. If this is not the case, or your school does not get given a license for that calendar year, please contact

Check they're logged in with the correct account

If the school does have paid access, the student may have two accounts with different email addresses.

If the student is logged in to the wrong one, ask them to log out and re-log in using the correct email address. You can check their email address by clicking on the students' name in the teacher dashboard.

For information on merging two accounts, see  My student has multiple accounts.

Additional Troubleshooting:

If a student is not allocated a grade when their account is registered the school's license will not be applied to their account, so if your student does not have a license, even though your school owns a license, check to see if their account has a set grade.

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