How long does a course take?

Short activities

Our short activities are designed to take less than an hour, and are perfect for an Hour of Code, a code club activity or for testing our platform in your classroom.


The length of our courses vary greatly, but as a rule of thumb we suggest around two hours per module. This will depend a lot on the age and proficiency of your students. For more specific timings please click the "more info" button underneath the course tile on our Resources page.


We aim to develop competition content that can be done in around two hours per week. Generally we find that teachers might use about an hour of class time a week, and students would then maybe do an hour or two from home to complete the week's content.

Cyber Challenges

Here are the recommendations for how long the Cyber challenges take:

Information Privacy and Security:  4-6 hours (around 2-3 weeks)

Web Application Security: 6-8 hours (around 3-4 weeks)

Network Security: 6-8 hours (around 3-4 weeks)

Data Encryption: 6-8 hours (around 3-4 weeks)

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