What do points mean on Grok?

Some courses on Grok have points! If a course has points, you can earn points by solving problems. 

You can see the exact scoring rules for each course in the Scoring System tab on the course page. This page explains how to earn points, how many points you can earn, and what the submission deadlines are (if any). Any course that has points will have a Scoring System tab. 

Points in Grok Competitions

All the Grok competitions offer points and a leaderboard so that you can see how you're going against other students around the world. 

You can still participate in competitions after the scoring deadline has passed! You might not get points, but you can still mark your answers and see if you are right. As long as you enrol before the competition closes, you can do the problems for as long as you like. 

Points in other courses

Some other courses on Grok also have points, for example, some of the DT Challenges.

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