Can home schools access Grok Academy for free in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand?

Is Grok free for all home school users in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand?

Yes! All Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand home school parents, teachers and students will have fully sponsored access to all Grok courses

I already have an account, what do I need to do?

You will automatically be granted free access to the Grok Academy platform when you log in or create your account. You do not need to do anything to make this happen.

I don't have an account, what do I need to do?

Any home school families who would like to trial access to our platform, can sign up now and we will provide you with access for the remainder of the year, this will be free of charge. Here's a guide on how to setup your home school as a parent on Grok: I'm a parent, how do I sign up my children?

Are all courses and competitions free?

Yes! To gain free access to all our schools content, including competitions you need to ensure your home school/institution is added to your account.

I'm a parent, can I access Grok for free, or is it only my children who can have an account?

All Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand home school parents, teachers and students will have free access to all Grok content.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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