How do I join a workshop on Grok?
When attending in-person Grok led workshops, or accessing partner content you may receive a workshop code or URL. This will provide you access to a specific course or courses on Grok for that workshop!
I've been given a workshop URL:
If you've been given a workshop URL, this will send you immediately to the sign-up page for that workshop! To get full access, make sure you are already logged into/signed up to Grok Academy (if not head over here).
Once you've logged into Grok and are back at the workshop URL, you'll be prompted to confirm what institution you are undertaking the workshop with, to do this select your institution from the dropdown or type in your institution if not already enrolled in one, then hit "Start Workshop".
Welcome to your workshop! You can access the courses designated from the workshop from this page.
I've been given a workshop code:
If you haven't been given a workshop URL but a code, here's how you can access your workshop content on Grok! Just like above, make sure you are already logged into/signed up to Grok Academy (if not head over here).
Once logged into Grok and at your My Learning page, head to the top right hand corner and click on your name, then select the dropdown item "Workshops". This page will outline any workshop(s) you are already enrolled into and prompt you to enter a new Workshop code.
Once here, enter your workshop code into the box and hit Next. Follow the steps to confirm what institution you are undertaking the workshop with, to do this select your institution from the dropdown or type in your institution if not already enrolled in one, then hit "Start Workshop"
Welcome to your workshop! You can access the courses designated from the workshop from this page.
Returning to your workshop
If you move away from the workshop page at any time, you can come back to it by clicking your name in the top right corner of Grok, then Workshops, and then selecting the appropriate workshop.