How can I use Grok with Canvas?
We know that many schools are using Canvas as a Learning Management System. Here is how you can use Grok with Canvas:
Add Grok links to Canvas
All our Grok courses have unique URLs for each module and each slide. That means you can put a specific Grok URL into Canvas, and students will get sent to exactly the right place, even if it's in the middle of a Grok course. For example, you can create a specific curriculum for students in Canvas by linking to separate pieces of Grok one after the other.
Example: this URL goes to Module 2 of the BBC micro:bit course:
The URL format is /learn/<course slug>/<coursemodule slug>/<slide number>/.
Can Grok send information about student progress and grades back to Canvas?
For schools, the answer is not yet.
If you're a university interested in hosting your own content on Grok, then we can support sending student grades to Canvas. Visit our university page or email to find out more.
Can students go from Canvas to Grok without needing to sign in?
In some cases, yes. If your school is using SAML SSO, then we can provide a URL for Canvas that allow your students to go directly to Grok without needing to log in again. Email and we can help you out.