Do user accounts expire?

As part of our commitment to your privacy and security, your account will be archived if it has been inactive for 18 months (ie. if you haven't logged in for 18 months). 
If your account is archived, we remove your Personal Information. Unless you reactivate your account, your archived account is not identifiable in any way. 

I don't want my account to be archived

Just log in to Grok! If you've logged in within the last 18 months, your account will not be archived. 

How do I reactivate my account? 

Archived accounts can be reactivated simply by logging in again at any time. When you reactivate your account, you'll need to review your account settings and add back any information that was removed when your account was archived (for example, your name and email address). 

If you are a teacher and one of your student's accounts has been archived, you can reactivate it via the normal bulk subscription process. 

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